Добрый день! Сервер ProLiant DL560 Gen9 прислал ошибку на почту:
EVENT (11 Jan 19:32): Smart Storage Battery has exceeded the maximum amount of devices supported (Battery 1, service information: 0x07).
1. Remove additional devices.
2. Consult server troubleshooting guide.
3. Gather AHS log and contact Support
Integrated Management Log Severity: CAUTION
Smart Storage Battery - model 727258-B21, spare 871264-001
Проконсультируйте плиз - батарейка сдохла в рэйде ? Как правильно заменить батарейку в RAID ?
EVENT (11 Jan 19:32): Smart Storage Battery has exceeded the maximum amount of devices supported (Battery 1, service information: 0x07).
1. Remove additional devices.
2. Consult server troubleshooting guide.
3. Gather AHS log and contact Support
Integrated Management Log Severity: CAUTION
Smart Storage Battery - model 727258-B21, spare 871264-001
Проконсультируйте плиз - батарейка сдохла в рэйде ? Как правильно заменить батарейку в RAID ?
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