Link break detected on Fibre Channel target adapter


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Доброго времени суток. Я только новичок в нетапах и только осваиваю. Помогите понять что за событие в Event ??
Как я понимаю линк рвется, но почему непонятно. Подскажите что почитать / погуглить по этой проблеме??
scsitarget.ispfct.linkBreak: Link break detected on Fibre Channel target adapter 0c. Firmware status code status1 0x2, status2 0x7, and status4 0x0.
Message Name:
Sequence Number:
ispfct link break notification
If link break is unexpected check cables, switches and the other host (if direct connected). Please check the Firmware status code 1, 2 and 4 for reason.
Так же сильно напрягает вот такой евент
ses.inconsistent.config: Inconsistent configuration detected for shelf connected to adapter 0b.
Message Name:
Sequence Number:
This message occurs when the system detects an inconsistent configuration of shelf-to-channel connections. One or more shelves on the reported channel are connected to a different set of channels (adapter ports or switch ports) than other shelves in the stack.
Verify that all cables are fully inserted on the storage shelves connected to the channel. Verify that the shelves are cabled so that all shelves in a stack are connected to the same channels.
Inconsistent configuration detected for shelf connected to adapter 0b.
указывает на то что неверно выполнено каблирование и подключение


Cabling is loose, 0a from each controller is incorrectly crossed between A and B modules.

NodeA => In A (top) slot of chassis
NodeB => In B (bottom) slot of chassis

In the environment details, the following details determine the current cabling:
NodeA.0a => internal cable => Shelf0.IOM6E.A.SQR
Shelf0.IOM6E.A.CIR => External cable => Shelf10.IOM6.B.SQR
Shelf10.IOM6.B.CIR => External cable => NodeB.0b
NodeB.0a=> internal cable => Shelf0.IOM6E.B.SQR
Shelf0IOM6E.B.CIR => External cable => Shelf10.IOM6.A.SQR
Shelf10.IOM6.A.CIR => External cable => NodeA.0b

To resolve the issue, perform correct cabling as follows:

NodeA => In A (top) slot of chassis
NodeB => In B (bottom) slot of chassis

NodeA.0a => internal cable => Shelf0.IOM6E.A.SQR
Shelf0.IOM6E.A.CIR => External cable => Shelf10.IOM6.A.SQR
Shelf10.IOM6.A.CIR => External cable => NodeB.0b
NodeB.0a=> internal cable => Shelf0.IOM6E.B.SQR
Shelf0IOM6E.B.CIR => External cable => Shelf10.IOM6.B.SQR
Shelf10.IOM6.B.CIR =>External cable => NodeA.0b