netapp CLI команды

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Подскажите как узнать какой ip адрес у management интерфейса контроллера NETAPP ?
Есть доступ через CLI но я не знаю какими командами посмотреть..
Подскажите как узнать какой ip адрес у management интерфейса контроллера NETAPP ?
Есть доступ через CLI но я не знаю какими командами посмотреть..

там справка должна быть - help или ? не помню точно
Вот пару команд из CLI

netboot             Boots the supplied URL off the network.
boot_diags          Boots the diagnostic image off of the boot device.
boot_backup         Boots the backup image of Data ONTAP off of the boot device.
boot_primary        Boots the primary image of Data ONTAP off of the boot device.
boot_ontap          Boots the correct image of Data ONTAP
update_flash        Updates the boot flash with the firmware image on the boot device.
flash               Update a flash memory device
[B]sp status           Show the Service Processor Network Settings[/B]
sp setup            Interactively configure a Service Processor
fc                  Compare two files from boot media in binary mode. This commandwill not work with network protocol.
decryption          Decryption File to the disk by input key and data files
encryption          Encryption File to the disk by input key and data files
create_file         Create Encryption Key File or Random Data File command
tar                 Extract zipped files in the .tgz or .zip format.
version             Print the firmware version
bye                 Reset the system.
set date            Set current date
set time            Set current time
set console         Change the active console device
lsmod               Per-file metadata.
autoboot            Automatic system bootstrap.
go                  Start a previously loaded program.
boot_recovery       Boots a recovery image of Data ONTAP off of an external USB device.
boot                Load an executable file into memory and execute it
load                Load an executable file into memory without executing it
ndp                 Display or modify the NDP Table(IPv6 only)
ping                Ping a remote IP host.
arp                 Display or modify the ARP Table
ifconfig            Configure the Ethernet interface
show date           Display current time according to RTC
show time           Display current time according to RTC
show devices        Display information about the installed devices.
savenv              Save the environmental variables.
saveenv             Save the environmental variables.
unsetenv            Delete an environment variable.
set-defaults        Reset all system environmental variables to default values.
setenv              Set an environment variable.
printenv            Display the environment variables
undi                UNDI driver diagnostic command
help                Obtain help for loader commands