windows has recovered

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Всем привет! Виртуальная машина с windows server 2008 иногда радует сообщением:
Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
BCCode: 1000009f
Безымянный.png - bluescreen
Почему система перезагружается??
Error message when you try to resume a Windows 7-based or a Windows Server 2008 R2-based
computer from hibernation: "Stop 0x0000009F"

Stop error when you put a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 to
sleep or into hibernation, or when you restart the computer: "0x9F"

"0x0000009F" Stop error message when a computer enters and resumes from hibernation in
Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

This one is possible if BlueScreenView OR MyEventViewer (or EventViewer) shows the appropriate code.

Windows Kernel event ID 41 error in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2: “The system has
rebooted without cleanly shutting down first”

"Stop 0x9F" or "Stop 0xFE" error on a Windows 7-based or Windows Vista-based computer that
uses certain AMD USB EHCI host controllers
А как понять с каким драйвером проблема? Это же виртуальная машина, что там может случится..:upset: