Some parts of Weathermap need special support in your PHP installation to work.
The gdinfo() function is not available, which means that either the GD extension is not available, not enabled, or not installed.
imagepng() NOCRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatetruecolor() NOCRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagealphablending() NOCRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imageSaveAlpha() NOCRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
preg_match() YES
imagecreatefrompng() NOCRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatefromjpeg() NOnon-critical This is required for JPEG input support for ICON and BACKGROUND. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatefromgif() NOnon-critical This is required for GIF input support for ICON and BACKGROUND. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagejpeg() NOnon-critical This is required for JPEG output support. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagegif() NOnon-critical This is required for GIF output support. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecopyresampled() NOnon-critical This is required for Thumbnail creation in the Cacti plugin. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagettfbbox() NOnon-critical This is required for TrueType font support. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
memory_get_usage() YES