конвертировать thin диск в thick


Почетный гость
Доброго времени суток! Подскажите как конвертировать диск виртуальной машины из тонкого в толстый ? Используется vsphere 7:unsure:
  1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to the folder of the virtual disk you want to inflate.
    1. Navigate to the virtual machine.
    2. Click the Datastores tab.
      The datastore that stores the virtual machine files is listed.
    3. Right-click the datastore and select Browse Files.
      The datastore browser displays contents of the datastore.
  2. Expand the virtual machine folder and browse to the virtual disk file that you want to convert.
    The file has the .vmdk extension and is marked with the virtual disk icon.
  3. Select the virtual disk file and click Inflate