Лицензии получи на портале лицензирования, если конечно они у тебя куплены. Далее по шагам:
1. Verify the current software version your IPS module is running. You can do this by running a “show module” command.
2. Go to
http://cisco.com/go/license. Log in using your Cisco.com username and password.
3. Click on the “Get New” tab and select “Crypto, IPS and Other Licenses”
4. Select Security products and choose between:
• Cisco Services for IPS service license (Version 6.1 and later)
• Cisco Services for IPS service license (Version 6.0.x and earlier)
5. Choose your device
6. Specify any required information on the following screen.
7. Check to confirm that you agree to the License agreement and specify email addresses where you would like the licenses to be sent.
8. Click “Get license”. The license will be emailed within an hour to the specified email addresses.