Решено проблема с импортом конфигурации


Добрый день! Есть антиспам
Cisco C100V
Email Security Virtual Appliance
Version: 11.1.0-131
Я выгрузил из него файл конфигурации и пытаюсь загрузить в новую версию
Cisco C100V
Email Security Virtual Appliance
Version: 13.5.1-277
При импорте конфигурационного файла вылезает такая ошибка...
ОшибкаФайл конфигурации не был загружен. ERROR: Element 'sds_connection' not allowed here at Unknown:257:19 Text: s> </custom_roles> <sds_connection> <sds_timeout>5</sds_timeout> <s
Подскажите как обновиться и переехать на новую версию ESA ???:coffee:
Вроде разобрался, ключевое это то что cisco рекомендует апдейтить через CLI
Upgrade the ESA via the CLI
Complete these steps in order to upgrade the ESA from the CLI:

  1. Copy the ESA configuration settings into an email and send it to yourself. When you are prompted to include the passwords, choose Yes. This allows you to import the configuration file, if necessary.
    Note: If you have one ESA, it is safe to allow the mail-flow to continue while the ESA upgrade takes place. The only time the ESA does not accept mail is when it reboots.
  2. If you have multiple ESAs, then suspend the listeners on the machine that you intend to upgrade. Enter suspendlistener into the CLI and select your inbound listener. The other machine(s) handle(s) all of the mail-flow.

  3. Enter upgrade into the CLI. The ESA downloads and applies the new AsyncOS version. This process takes approximately ten to thirty minutes, dependent upon the network speed and the AsyncOS version.

  4. When the upgrade is complete, the ESA will prompt you on the CLI to reboot, and will provide up to thirty seconds before it reboots. (During the reboot, you can ping the IP address in order to determine if the ESA is online.)

  5. Once the reboot has completed, log into the ESA and activate the listeners. Enter resumelistener into the CLI and select the listener that is suspended.

  6. In order to verify the mail-flow, enter tail mail_logs into the CLI