Решено smartlog is not active

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Случайный прохожий
Здравствуйте, хотел посмотреть логи в чекпойнте но когда подключаюсь к серверу управления появляется сообщение на вкладке LOGs- SmartLog is not active
Последнее редактирование модератором:
  • Scenario 1
    There is corruption in the log_fields.C file.
Replace the file with the default one:

  1. Stop the Check Point services: # cpstop
  2. Backup the corrupted file:
    # mv $SMARTLOGDIR/conf/log_fields.C $SMARTLOGDIR/conf/log_fields.C.old
  3. Copy the default file:
    # cp $FWDIR/conf/defaultDatabase/log_fields.C $SMARTLOGDIR/conf/log_fields.C
  4. Start the Check Point services: # cpstart

  • Scenario 2
    The dbsync didn't manage to update the IP of the first clean server with the IP of the new database.
Replace all the old IP addresses in the following files:

  • smartlog_settings.txt
  • log_indexer_settings.conf
  • logServerConfig.xml
  1. Stop the Check Point services:
    # mdsstop
  2. Backup the all the configuration files:
    # cp $SMARTLOGDIR/smartlog_settings.txt /var/tmp/
    # cp $RTDIR/log_indexer/conf/log_indexer_settings.conf /var/tmp/
    # cp /var/log/opt/CPrt-R80/conf/logServerConfig.xml /var/tmp/
  3. Edit all the files and replace the old IP(s) with the new IP, of the MDS level and if rquired the CMA
    # $RTDIR/log_indexer/./log_indexer -Autoconf 1 (incase MDS is a Log Server too. If not, change it to the new IP)
    # #SMARTLOGDIR/./smartlog_server -Autoconf <new_IP>:18242 1
    # vi /var/log/opt/CPrt-R80/conf/logServerConfig.xml

    change the old IP with the new one

  4. Start the Check Point servives:
    # mdsstart
  • Scenario 3
    /var/log/opt/CPSmartLog-R<XX>/ is missing or does not exist
Create the directory and the default sub directories:
Navigate to /var/log/opt/:
# cd /var/log/opt/
Create the SmartLog directory:
# mkdir CPSmartLog-R<XX>
Create the sub directories for CPSmartLog-R<XX>:
# cd /var/log/opt/CPSmartLog-R<XX>/
# mkdir data
# mkdir log

Restart smartlog_server process:
# smartlogstop
# smartlogstart

Verify that the log files have generated in /var/log/opt/CPSmartLog-R<XX>/log/:
The following files should be present:
  • smartlogRun.log
  • smartlog_server.elg
# ls -l /var/log/opt/CPSmartLog-R<XX>/log/
Verify that the users_settings directory was created in /var/log/opt/CPSmartLog-R<XX>/data/:
There will be user sub-directories created in users_settings:
# ls -l /var/log/opt/CPSmartLog-R<XX>/data/

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