Решено Unable to allocate memory for storage metadata bank


Случайный прохожий
Добрый день коллеги! Нужен совет по veeam backup 9.5. Одно из заданий почему то завершилось с ошибкой
Processing Navigator Error: Unable to allocate memory for storage metadata bank. Failed to open storage for read access. Storage: [E:\Backup\NAVIGATOR\BC_NAVIGATORD2019-11-27T190000_E2D6.vib]. Agent failed to process method {Stg.OpenRead}.

Подскажите в чем может быть проблема ??
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Почему это может быть
[h=2]This is generally caused when there are no backup proxies available to process the job. Reasons for this include:[/h]
  1. Too many jobs are running at a time for the number of concurrent tasks set across all proxies available to the job that failed.
  2. Proxies may be unavailable (Shutdown, not connected to the network, etc.).
  3. The existing set of backup proxies does not have enough resources to process the backup jobs in a timely manner.
  4. The virtual machine might be being processed by another job
  5. New LUNs created and/or VMs migrated to new LUNs

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у меня вот из за этого было дело
Too many jobs are running at a time for the number of concurrent tasks set across all proxies available to the job that failed.